Sunday, September 20, 2009

Round Boy, Square Window

You should really take the hint when you can’t unlock the front door of your house with a key alone.  When you need a pair of pliers and two people pushing the door frame in to open the door, it is no longer the simple act of opening the door, it is an extreme sports event.  I don’t think we’d score high in the technical, but in style, we are never lacking.

Who is this “we” you ask?  That would be my mother and I.  Imagine Lorelai and Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls, but with a larger age difference. 

Of course the door won’t open.  When it is ten at night, extremely dark, you’ve got a puppy, several textbooks, a few shopping bags, and two Starbucks beverages, it is the perfect time to get locked out of the house.  Let me tell you, hot beverages are hard enough to carry on their own, without working on the synchronized door-opening.

Segue to a massive ladder leaning against the side of the house.  My mom tries to lean the ladder against the house, but it’s too long so that it is almost horizontal.  Not exactly safe.  Who would ever think that you would need ladders of different lengths.  I thought they were one-size fits all.  Apparently not.  Certainly I was not going to climb along, not up, along the ladder to climb into the house.

All that we were missing were black clothes and some masks to look like burglars.  It is not comforting to know that when you have a massive ladder leaning against your house that no one bothers to call the police.  So if someone had actually been breaking into the house we would have been seriously lacking contents of any kind.   

Cut to my brother coming to the house at almost midnight with his friend offering to help us get into the house.  It’s nice to have reinforcements.  Unfortunately, tiny window, not so tiny guy.  After a few tries, he makes it up the horizontal ladder and decides to go head first through the window.    Cut to legs waving outside the window of the house.  Not the most graceful way to get into a house.  He definitely gets points for difficulty, though and tackling the challenge “head first,” literally.

Now the thought of having a mini video camera seems like a good idea.  The evening is a popular YouTube video in the making.  I can just see the title now:  Fitting a round boy through a square window. 

Round boy, square window. 

Catchy, right?


  1. Carley,
    I really enjoyed this blog. It was pretty funny and very creative! The only things that kind of didn't work for me were the reference to Gilmore Girls-- I've never watched the show so it was kind of just a glance over part for me. And in the sixth or seventh paragraph you kind of tried to make it like a movie scene I think, using 'cut to ... '. It just seemed kind of awkward to read, but I like the idea. Maybe try using something like "picture legs waving outside the window ..."
    Great Job :)

  2. Hey, I liked the flow of your blog post. It was easy to read as if someone was casually telling me the story. Like we were discussing in class, I don’t see the connection between your well written entertaining story and a larger picture. As well, I would have enjoyed some detail on why you were locked out or couldn’t get into your house. Entertaining read.

    Nicole Tupper

  3. I’d like to begin by saying that you did a very good job of tying in the Gilmore Girl reference. I know for those people who don’t know the show it might not be so obvious, but the banter that occurs between the characters of the show and the tone of your work was very similar. I appreciate that, it was a neat little characteristic.

    I do agree that there was little connection to the outside world or to the bigger picture. There were references to outside ideas like youtube and such, but overall it was a very ‘closed’ piece in that sense.

    Also, you did a good job of pulling us through time with your cinematic references (cut to, for example), but be careful not to over use them. I noticed there were several similar phrases regarding scene change/ time change. They work well, but you don’t want to sound to repetitive.

    Overall,a very entertaining read. Having recently locked myself out of my car and then my house in the same 12 hour period, I can totally relate to the ridiculousness of it all

  4. Hi Carley! Really interesting take on the blog post. I found your tone to be really interesting to me in the way that you seem to manage a detached sort of sarcasm, which I found effective and intriguing. I think, for me, the allusions to filmic phrases helped establish that sarcasm "segue to" "cut to", and so forth... These all gave me the sense that this ordeal was a long and trying one, but that looking back on it now you've picked out the most memorable scenes and fit them all together well. Again, there's a good sort of sarcasm to these cuts in time that made me smile, because I could just imagine all the drawn out discussion, fits, and minor foibles that must have lead to each major scene.

    It might seem like you've left a good deal out of the tale, with the time transitions (and maybe, in some areas, it might be fair to suggest an expansion on what led to the next 'scene') but all in all, I think your omission of what must probably have been the mundane parts of the tale, was a carefully crafted choice, and I think it flows quite well because of those design choices.

    Of course as Laara said, time-lapses aren't something you'll always want to use-- or use to much, but going along with the whole youtube video 'allusions' and the "thought of a video camera" makes the 'filmic' lapses just that much more clever.

    Overall, I enjoyed it. I had a good pace, an interesting tone, a healthy does of subtle humour and a good structure to it. Thanks for sharing


  5. Hey Carley,
    I enjoyed reading your blog post. It was an easy lighthearted read for me. I really liked the undercuts of sarcasm you have mixed into the story. Your sense of humour is quite reminiscent of an episode of Gilmore Girls (which makes your reference all the more relevant). My only constructive criticism would be to try and unearth a deeper meaning from your story. While it was an entertaining read there doesn't seem to be a bigger picture. I look forward to reading more posts from you :)

    -Coleman Hell
